Thursday, May 2, 2013


Dogs truly are a man's (or women's) best friend. They're so amazing. I'm so grateful for my dogs, every day. I have an Australian Shepherd, Border Collie mix and her name is Izzie (yes, named after Izzie on Grey's Anatomy) and MY personal dog is my white Shiz-Tu and her name is Mary Jane. She's been my dog for the past 6 years, so she's a little bit older... But i can't even explain how much they mean to me. I love animals, so much. I've never quite been able to grasp the fact how someone so cruel could EVER ever abuse an animal, a dog to be specific. They're so easy to love.. I swear, some people are so heartless. My dog sleeps at the foot of my bed every single night, and whenever i'm not home, at a sleepover or something she still sleeps there. I love her a whole lot. 

Listening to records

Something I've started lately, is that I have been really into vinyl and listening to records lately mainly, when i go to bed. But it helps me sleep well, and i love listening to my dads vinyl collection and compare how much different it sounds to an I-pod or music we get over the internet. I like it so much more, i love the sound it makes and i just think its so incredible how it even works, you know? The grooves and indents on the vinyl create sound from motion and a needle? I just think that's awesome. My dad has such an amazing collection. The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Elton John, Jimmy Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, i mean... talk about a throwback!