Thursday, May 2, 2013


Dogs truly are a man's (or women's) best friend. They're so amazing. I'm so grateful for my dogs, every day. I have an Australian Shepherd, Border Collie mix and her name is Izzie (yes, named after Izzie on Grey's Anatomy) and MY personal dog is my white Shiz-Tu and her name is Mary Jane. She's been my dog for the past 6 years, so she's a little bit older... But i can't even explain how much they mean to me. I love animals, so much. I've never quite been able to grasp the fact how someone so cruel could EVER ever abuse an animal, a dog to be specific. They're so easy to love.. I swear, some people are so heartless. My dog sleeps at the foot of my bed every single night, and whenever i'm not home, at a sleepover or something she still sleeps there. I love her a whole lot. 

Listening to records

Something I've started lately, is that I have been really into vinyl and listening to records lately mainly, when i go to bed. But it helps me sleep well, and i love listening to my dads vinyl collection and compare how much different it sounds to an I-pod or music we get over the internet. I like it so much more, i love the sound it makes and i just think its so incredible how it even works, you know? The grooves and indents on the vinyl create sound from motion and a needle? I just think that's awesome. My dad has such an amazing collection. The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Elton John, Jimmy Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, i mean... talk about a throwback! 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Your life is still waiting to be lived

As teenagers, when something bad happens we think that it's the worst thing in the entire world and we tend to exaggerate situations. We let the littlest things have such a big impact on our lives, and its not like its our fault. Its just natural, i assume. But when you feel small, just remember that there is still a world out there waiting for you. There IS life after high school, and people just need to realize that.. It breaks my heart to hear about the handful of suicides that have happened through out Utah County this year to so many beautiful people. I don't understand why its so hard for people to just be nice every once in a while and i don't understand why its so difficult for people to accept people for being different. Do you realize how PLAIN our world would be without color? Its the same with people, too. If everyone was the same - life would be so plain. And life isn't meant to be that way. Who's to say that tomorrow won't be the best day of your life? Someone out there is wondering what it'd be like to meet someone like you. There are so many opportunities just awaiting your arrival. High school isn't your life... High school is just a chapter of your life. I think people complicate that, often. Things that happen through these 4 years, won't matter in 10 years. 

You're all so awesome, don't ever forget what you're worth! 


What's past is past

I could write a variety of different things under this topic, honestly. Heartbreaks, old friends, childhood memories, that cat i got rid of because someone had an allergy, the music i used to listen to, going to the zoo for the first time, experiencing the ache of my first funeral, etc.

Literally, i could write about anything and I'm just not so sure. So maybe I'll just write about the past in general.

The situations, and moments you've encountered in your past have made you who you are at this very moment. I've been taken for granted in the past, so I've gained independence. I've made a handful of choices and i don't regret a single one. Every person who did me wrong, has just made me that much stronger in the present. Like for example- Swinging on the swings in elementary school helped me realize that the littlest things in life can make you feel invincible; even if it's for a short amount of time. High school overall has made me realize that the people who i was best friends with, and knew so well- those people change over time, everybody does. For better or for worse, people are going to change. And the only thing you can do is hold your ground, know where you've been in the past and accept the fact that everything happens for a reason. I find that I'm more mature than majority of the people i surround myself with and it's kind of a struggle. Things that have happened in the past, have helped me learn and to grow and to learn to accept the things i think i deserve. And the same goes for you, as well. You should want the best for yourself, and don't hold a grudge on yourself for past experiences. Higher your standards, and keep growing, keep learning. We all only have one life. (Our society has over used "YOLO" to an annoying large amount... hahahaha) 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

not much better than good music

Honestly, not a lot of things are better than listening to good music that puts you in great moods. At least, not that i can think of. I love my taste in music, and i love it when people ask me some songs, and i show them some and they fall in LOVE with it. I love listening to songs that tell a story, and can provoke certain emotions so well! Almost always i can relate to them. Coachella, if you haven't heard of it is a HUGE concert where amazing bands come and perform, and its under the sun and everyone just has an amazing time. This year, SO many amazing bands are playing and I'm sad that i can't get tickets, but even i could- It's in California and i highly doubt my parents would be letting me go. (: Even though i know its gonna be amazing. I'm gonna take a road trip with my friends in 2 years, and we'll be going for SURE. I really hope the line-up is good that year. What kind of music do you guys like? Any favorite artists or favorite songs you want to suggest? I'm always up for listening to new music! (:

Short Scene

"After graduation, I'm gone. I'm leaving this place.. It's washed up and I can't take it anymore." I said, nervous of what my best friend Harlee was going to say in return.

"I think that's amazing. I'm just concerned on how safe that is.. i mean. Africa?!"

"My father's house down there is amazing, and Har this isn't about me entirely.. Its about me making a change."

"Well I'm impressed by you, Savvy.  I know i wouldn't dare take a risk like that. I'm going to miss you more than anything, and i better be getting letters and pictures every week!"  Harlee says, leaning in to hug me.

A hug, that's exactly what i needed. We've been best friends since middle school when we just had too many things in common during our art class. I was caught up in the popularity contest, and had intentions that i was the best of the best. Naturally, i guess i blame my mother. She had wanted that for me, and I didn't know anything but being that. When my father went away, my whole world flipped upside down. It wasn't like he "left" us... He needed to flee his home, leave this place, find himself, and make a change in the world. I just wish it wouldn't have taken me so long to understand that. Now, all i can think about is doing the same thing.

The bell rings and me and Harlee grab our bags and head towards my car.

" Suns out and the palm tree leafs aren't moving, har. You know what that means!"  I say, with more excitement than usual.

" BEACH DAY!!!" She yells as she opens the passenger side door and quickly grabs the AUX cord connected too my stereo, and turns on our favorite beach playlist. Our favorite song, Boyfriend by Best Coast comes on and we roll down all the windows, and sunroof too. Best Coast was our absolute favorite band, the lead singer Bethany Cosentino is from a town 30 minutes south of our own.

These moments, are what I'm going to miss. But i can't think about that right now, can't let it get in the way of the moments ahead of us.

We sing the lyrics obnoxiously with laughs and funny facials, and at the stop light two adorable boys wink and wave at us and all we can do is turn to each other and laugh.


My marvelous main character's name is Savannah. She's 17, and is brave and deep in wanderlust. She has long dirty blonde hair and is a little higher than the average height. She lives on the west coast, and loves it there but it has worn on her- being her only home since she could remember. Her weakness is that she always puts other people's happiness before her own, and it causes some loss of friends and feuds when she finally decides to change that. Her pet peeves are stuck up people (who doesn't have that pet peeve, honestly.) and a couple others. She's a fairly accepting person, and seeks adventure more than often. Her parents are divorced and for the past 6 years her father has been living in Africa making a change out there, with her aunt and a couple of his friends. He recently passed away and that has a huge impact on Savannah, because her father was her idol and shes determined to travel to Africa and finish the change that he started and continue helping the less fortunate and exploring the world. Everyone is so caught up in reality around her, that shes desperate for a change and to flee away from her home to find herself and her sole purpose in life. She has a rather selfish mother, and an alright stepfather, along with his daughter who is 11 years old. Once she has her mind completely set on a goal, she'll get there no matter how much she has to sacrifice and no obstacle along the way can stop her anyhow.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Jealousy is honestly, an interesting topic to write about. I despise jealousy, and wish it didn't have an effect on everyone- some more than others. I find myself as one of the ones who get jealous a little more often then i probably should, over simple things too. 

Boys, clothes, friends, traveling, grades, blah  blah blah. It's all there, and i feel as if its gonna always be there so we might as well accept it.. and rather than trying to deny it, maybe we should just accept the fact that there will always be someone who has it better then you, and you should be thankful for the things that you do have and that means relationships as well. I mean, people have personally told me before that they're jealous of me, for materialistic things usually. But all the same, you aren't the only person who feels this way. We all get greedy, and hateful from time to time, it's all apart of being human i suppose. Without jealousy, i think things would be off key in our lives. It kind of evens things out, you know? Like Ying-Yang the balance of good and bad. Overall, I don't like jealousy- but who does? 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


This is a pretty hard topic to write about, because usually you don't remember your dreams! But i'll give it a try, i guess. I usually have dreams and remember them the following morning. But then, i forget about them as the days go on. 

Some people talk about when a close friend or family member dies, they meet in their dreams. I've heard that many, many times but I've never experienced a dream like that. My mom has, she met with her sister in her dream. Its exciting hearing about different people's dreams. I've always heard that what you think about before you go to bed predicts what you're going to dream about. I think dreams are so fascinating, its like a different mind set that only you can see or experience, and i think its crazy how some dreams can have a physical affect on you in reality, like when you dream you're falling and you physically twitch and stuff. I just think its crazy (:

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


This one is so recently that it just makes me sick to my stomach thinking about how embarrassing it was... Goodness Gracious. 

So it was only a couple weekends ago, and me and a couple of my friends (Including my boyfriend) all went swimming at about 8:30 at the Saratoga Springs clubhouse hot springs pool. Well... It was so freezing outside but thank GOODNESS the pools were heated. Anyways, so we were all there having a great time swimming and what not, splashing around, laughing, etc. Towards the end, we all decided to get into the hot tub! And we were there for a little while, but then my parents arrived to pick me up.. So as I'm getting out of the hot tub, it's still snowing and it has been snowing for about an hour or so, so the concrete that the chairs with all of our things are on, is frozen. So I'm freezing cold and I'm running to the chair to grab my towel and my clothes and i FALL. Straight on my butt, and i fell pretty hard. And my boyfriend was right behind me, and he helped me up but i was sooo embarrassed.. I just wanted to cry. It was so awkward and it was freezing and it hurt. So, it was absolutely horrible. I wish i would've just calmly walked to the chair to grab my things... I'll probably remember that embarrassment forever, ugh. (:

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Of course I have regular fears... Spiders, Clowns, People on stilts (Oookay, so maybe that last one isn't very regular but I'm totally terrified of them.) 

But all in all, My biggest fear is not being successful. Most definitely not being successful after i graduate high school. I look around at all of these girls who on those tacky "All About Me" papers in school, when it asks what they want to be when they grow up they fill in - "To be a great wife and mother." Why? I mean, kudos for you for wanting to be a great mother and wife, but isn't there so many things to do before you settle down like that? I'm not saying I'm against any of this, but personally I'm scared of not getting remembered as well. I want to do REMARKABLE things in my lifetime, and then think about settling down. Why jump headfirst into marriage? I want to travel the world, and go to college, and experience so many things before settling down even crosses my mind. I want to travel, and i want to do things that will change lives. I'm scared of not being successful, and success is all i aim for, everyday. I'm a competitive person, and i despise failure. So, if this offended any of you in any possible way-- I apologize. All in all, I fear not being successful and not being remembered, along with Spiders, Clowns, and People on Stilts. (: 

Friday, February 15, 2013


We all encounter acts of courage through out our lives from when we were young, without even considering it as courageous
Honestly, think about it.. Learning to ride a bike, swimming for the first time in a pool, experiencing the spark of your very first kiss, the first time you fly on an airplane, etc. Those are all acts of courage. Being courageous doesn't always mean you have to climb the highest mountain, or go skydiving - courage can be simple, yet it can also be complex. Everyone has a bit of courage in their veins and without courage a lot of amazing moments would be missed and living a live without courage is a horrible way to live day by day. Decisions make up a part of who we are, and without courageous decisions being made, life would be dull and plain. 

"He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life." - Muhammad Ali

Friday, February 1, 2013

Poem that matters

Ocean is as one with the world

Izabelle Sheridan

As I Stare out into the Sea,
I can feel the soft oceans breeze
the warmth from the sun
the grass dances with the whistling wind
the ocean is filled with thoughts
and mysteries,
I feel the cool water
the ocean is alive filled with lost souls
washing emotions up onto the shore
My feet sink in the softness of the sand
The ocean is made up of dreams
and achievements,
My mind lies in the heart of the ocean
The rocks are bones
Out in the open the waves settle and
wait for their attack,
I feel as one with the ocean
as the ocean feels like one
with the world.

- This poem reminds me so much of my experience with the ocean. I can just visualize my feet sinking into the sand, and the tide rolling ashore once again. This is an absolutely beautiful piece and its much more then just the ocean, and has an incredible meaning to it.

I n t r o d u c t i o n

I like to think of myself as anything but basic. I like to think of myself as extraordinary, actually. But doesn't everyone? 

The atmosphere we're all surrounded by is hard, yet i like to believe that i try to make it easier for everyone around me. 
I look forward everyday to moving away from here, and starting my life. I fell in love with the ocean, no short of 8 years old. And i look forward to nothing more, then spending the rest of my life around it after i graduate. Everyone has a story, everyone has a side to them that no one else knows. But mine, isn't very obscure. I'm a rather simple girl, living a great life. I love to listen to people, and i enjoy reading good books-yet i love to party and have a good time. I love to inspire people with my perspectives and opinions. I'm absolutely in love with fashion, and i escape a lot of things by writing, even something as little as a diary. I find no interest in fantasy books, and i rather despise them. There's a lot more to me, buuut.. i don't want to bore you to death. Thanks for taking the time to read this. xo