Thursday, March 14, 2013


Jealousy is honestly, an interesting topic to write about. I despise jealousy, and wish it didn't have an effect on everyone- some more than others. I find myself as one of the ones who get jealous a little more often then i probably should, over simple things too. 

Boys, clothes, friends, traveling, grades, blah  blah blah. It's all there, and i feel as if its gonna always be there so we might as well accept it.. and rather than trying to deny it, maybe we should just accept the fact that there will always be someone who has it better then you, and you should be thankful for the things that you do have and that means relationships as well. I mean, people have personally told me before that they're jealous of me, for materialistic things usually. But all the same, you aren't the only person who feels this way. We all get greedy, and hateful from time to time, it's all apart of being human i suppose. Without jealousy, i think things would be off key in our lives. It kind of evens things out, you know? Like Ying-Yang the balance of good and bad. Overall, I don't like jealousy- but who does? 


  1. It's true how we get jealous over some weird things. I get jealous over my friends sometimes. I don't think anyone should really be jealous

  2. You wouldn't believe how much I agree! I'm the same EXACT way. Really well-written. :)
