Friday, February 15, 2013


We all encounter acts of courage through out our lives from when we were young, without even considering it as courageous
Honestly, think about it.. Learning to ride a bike, swimming for the first time in a pool, experiencing the spark of your very first kiss, the first time you fly on an airplane, etc. Those are all acts of courage. Being courageous doesn't always mean you have to climb the highest mountain, or go skydiving - courage can be simple, yet it can also be complex. Everyone has a bit of courage in their veins and without courage a lot of amazing moments would be missed and living a live without courage is a horrible way to live day by day. Decisions make up a part of who we are, and without courageous decisions being made, life would be dull and plain. 

"He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life." - Muhammad Ali

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