Tuesday, February 26, 2013


This one is so recently that it just makes me sick to my stomach thinking about how embarrassing it was... Goodness Gracious. 

So it was only a couple weekends ago, and me and a couple of my friends (Including my boyfriend) all went swimming at about 8:30 at the Saratoga Springs clubhouse hot springs pool. Well... It was so freezing outside but thank GOODNESS the pools were heated. Anyways, so we were all there having a great time swimming and what not, splashing around, laughing, etc. Towards the end, we all decided to get into the hot tub! And we were there for a little while, but then my parents arrived to pick me up.. So as I'm getting out of the hot tub, it's still snowing and it has been snowing for about an hour or so, so the concrete that the chairs with all of our things are on, is frozen. So I'm freezing cold and I'm running to the chair to grab my towel and my clothes and i FALL. Straight on my butt, and i fell pretty hard. And my boyfriend was right behind me, and he helped me up but i was sooo embarrassed.. I just wanted to cry. It was so awkward and it was freezing and it hurt. So, it was absolutely horrible. I wish i would've just calmly walked to the chair to grab my things... I'll probably remember that embarrassment forever, ugh. (:

1 comment:

  1. Iv had this happen before while trying to get into a hot tub, a bee was actually chasing me and I slipped and fell face first into the hot tub, and it was a very small hot tub with some family and relatives..it wasn't a very good day :)
