Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Of course I have regular fears... Spiders, Clowns, People on stilts (Oookay, so maybe that last one isn't very regular but I'm totally terrified of them.) 

But all in all, My biggest fear is not being successful. Most definitely not being successful after i graduate high school. I look around at all of these girls who on those tacky "All About Me" papers in school, when it asks what they want to be when they grow up they fill in - "To be a great wife and mother." Why? I mean, kudos for you for wanting to be a great mother and wife, but isn't there so many things to do before you settle down like that? I'm not saying I'm against any of this, but personally I'm scared of not getting remembered as well. I want to do REMARKABLE things in my lifetime, and then think about settling down. Why jump headfirst into marriage? I want to travel the world, and go to college, and experience so many things before settling down even crosses my mind. I want to travel, and i want to do things that will change lives. I'm scared of not being successful, and success is all i aim for, everyday. I'm a competitive person, and i despise failure. So, if this offended any of you in any possible way-- I apologize. All in all, I fear not being successful and not being remembered, along with Spiders, Clowns, and People on Stilts. (: 

1 comment:

  1. Fear of people on stilts....It totally makes sense. They are sort of sketchy... All tall and weird.
